Mental Health and the Church, Sharing the Burden

I started writing this months ago, but in light of Jarrid Wilson, a pastor and mental health advocate, ending his own life, I felt it was an appropriate time to continue the discussion. I am so tired of the stigma around depression in the church. People avoid you, make assumptions about you, or worse, they … Continue reading Mental Health and the Church, Sharing the Burden

A Father’s Love

I read somewhere once that the way your father loves you is how you perceive God's love. If you had a strict father who only approved of you when you followed his rules, you would consequently view God as someone whose love you would only earn by being "perfect." Or maybe you had a father … Continue reading A Father’s Love

Is God Calling?

Most of us know the story of Esther, and most of us think she was purposed for a position. But I believe Esther's commitment to her purpose is why God positioned her. In other words, she wasn't chasing a position of power, she was just committed to God. And because of that simple faithfulness, God … Continue reading Is God Calling?

Are You a Sweet Fragrance?

God uses us, Christians, to spread “the knowledge of Christ everywhere, like sweet perfume. Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived (or received) differently by those who are being saved and those who are perishing.” “To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death … Continue reading Are You a Sweet Fragrance?

I Had a Miscarriage

In early May, I found out that I was pregnant and my husband and I were so excited! We already have a little boy (whose story I will share another day) that will soon turn two; so, we thought what a perfect time to be expecting. It would be exactly as we had planned to … Continue reading I Had a Miscarriage