His Love Letter to Us

The bible consists of hundreds of love letters to us from God and he deserves a reply! This is why I started writing my love letters to Him. The following is an example of his love letter to us (borrowed from Active Christianity): "My Child, You may not know me, but I know everything about … Continue reading His Love Letter to Us

Just Listen

I wish the words could come out right, all the letters would align and be spoken just in time, so that you could comprehend what I am feeling inside But I will hold it and collect it with all the words I haven't said, because what makes it so hard to say is exactly the … Continue reading Just Listen

First Love Letter

They say, "Just be you! It's the best you one can be!" I guess being authentic didn't workout for me Each layer uncovered proves to be unsightly From dirt I came and to dirt I always return It is my sinful nature, like the whore of Babylon In constant battle with the Spirit who tries … Continue reading First Love Letter