First Love Letter

They say, “Just be you! It’s the best you one can be!”

I guess being authentic didn’t workout for me
Each layer uncovered proves to be unsightly
From dirt I came and to dirt I always return
It is my sinful nature, like the whore of Babylon
In constant battle with the Spirit who tries to lead me to no wrong
But I fall again into my flesh and succumb to earthly wants
Isn’t there a God whose son died for this?
Whose blood covered all sin?
I don’t feel so redemptional
I don’t feel so deserving at all
Inept for grace
A child with no name
Who should never see His face.
….and still
He lifts up my face
With hands that held galaxies
To meet His eyes of bright light
And says…
 “I am yours, and you. Are. Mine.”
And just like that, the whole world fades,
My wish for worldly romance dissipates
For knowing a love that truly satisfies
Self love becomes incommensurate
I am His, and He is mine.
                                                    – s. k. darby

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